recovery tools

Nine Tips for Vacation while in Recovery

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Taking care of yourself is an important part of recovery and one of the ways that you can practice self- care is by going on a vacation. In the article below, Kelly lists nine tips to stay sober while on vacation. His tips include keeping an open line of communication with the people you are traveling with, talking to them about your triggers, and letting them know how they can provide you with support. In another tip, Kelly discusses the importance of scheduling fun while traveling. In other words, schedule things to do that will hold your interest and help you avoid boredom. Self-care is an integral part of recovery. Taking a vacation is one of the many ways you can practice self-care. So, whether you are traveling across the country or traveling closer to home, I hope you find these tips helpful.

Read the full article here.

Sara Saunders SAC-IT



Ten Keys to Recovery


This article, written by David Susman, discusses the ten keys to recovery and he identifies the ten keys as the following:

  1. finding hope

  2. asking for help

  3.  getting informed

  4. engaging in treatment

  5. seeking support

  6. developing a plan

  7.  taking action

  8. reconnecting with life

  9. sticking with recovery

  10.  helping others

Wherever you are in your journey of recovery, we here at West Grove Clinic, believe that there is hope in recovery and hope is exactly what we try to instill in our clients whether you are a participant in our Intensive Outpatient Program, our aftercare support group, or are seen individually we are here to help you along your journey to recovery.

Check out the full article here.


Sara Saunders, SAC-IT & Intern


Finding a Mindfulness Practice

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Implementing a mindfulness practice can sound like another item to throw onto your already packed to do list, but The Mindful Pause is really just that though, a pause, in your day.  

Here’s how it works according to Dr. Niemiec (2016):

1.) Pause and feel your in-breath and out-breath for 10-15 seconds.

2.) Conclude with a question: Which of my character strengths will I bring forward right now?

This super short, and easy to use practice is perfect for transition moments in your day, or when you just need to refocus and tap into a more helpful emotion.

Read more here:  

By: Caitlyn Hummel, SAC-IT