Art for Minds

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In the article below, it discusses the many ways that art is beneficial for our mental health. The article examines a study about how making art stimulates our brains documented by MRI machines. It talks about an organization called Inside Out that uses an art based holistic approach to helping people with mental health challenges. Lastly, it explores the benefits of adult coloring books as a relaxation technique.

As a member of the art and art therapy community, I believe that art can be a powerful way to help people across the spectrum of mental health no matter the level of skill.

β€œTo practice any art, no matter how well or badly, is a way to make your soul grow. So do it.”- Kurt Vonnegut

Read the Article Here

Holly Majerus, Art Therapy Graduate Intern

Nine Tips for Vacation while in Recovery

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Taking care of yourself is an important part of recovery and one of the ways that you can practice self- care is by going on a vacation. In the article below, Kelly lists nine tips to stay sober while on vacation. His tips include keeping an open line of communication with the people you are traveling with, talking to them about your triggers, and letting them know how they can provide you with support. In another tip, Kelly discusses the importance of scheduling fun while traveling. In other words, schedule things to do that will hold your interest and help you avoid boredom. Self-care is an integral part of recovery. Taking a vacation is one of the many ways you can practice self-care. So, whether you are traveling across the country or traveling closer to home, I hope you find these tips helpful.

Read the full article here.

Sara Saunders SAC-IT



Mindfulness & Addiction


Psychiatrist Judson Brewer studies the relationship between mindfulness and addiction in his TED Talk. He explains the processes involved in habit formation and proposes a profound approach to removing the connection between thought and behavior through the use of mindfulness. Although Brewer utilizes smoking and eating as examples during his talk, the underlying mindfulness process is readily adaptable to all forms of addiction. Watch below!

Thomas N. Pfister, B.S.